Kinder- und Jugendbuch


Stadtbücherei Ibbenbüren
Autor:Hooper, Mary
Titel:The remarkable life and times of Eliza Rose
Verfasserangabe:Mary Hooper
Erschienen:London : Bloomsbury, 2006. - 339 pages. - illustrations - 20 cm
Preis:11,20 Euro
Standort:52 Hoop
Interessenkreis:young life : english
Annotation:Ousted from her family by her new stepmother, Eliza Rose makes her way to London? only to be thrown straight into prison for stealing a bite to eat. Her life takes a remarkable twist when she is rescued and befriended by the infamous actress Nelly Gwyn. Nelly introduces her to the courtly intrigue, politics, and glamour of the court of King Charles II, as well as to a handsome young man known as Valentine Howard. Eliza is smitten, yet their love cannot be, as she is only a lowly maid and he is an aristocrat. From orange seller to mermaid and to a lady about town, Eliza will take on many remarkable guises, but will she ever find what she yearns to know?a place where she truly belongs?


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101677231406 52 Hoop 29.08.2008 verfügbar


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