Kinder- und Jugendbuch


Stadtbücherei Ibbenbüren
Autor:McManus, Karen M.
Titel:One of us is lying (eng.)
Stücktitel:2. One of us is next
Verfasserangabe:Karen M. McManus
Erschienen:London : Penguin Books, 2017 - 2020 - London : Penguin Books, [2020]. - 375 pages - 20 cm
Fußnote:einzelne Einheit
Preis:10,50 Euro
Standort:52 McMa
Interessenkreis:young life ; english
Annotation:Bayview High is just about recovered from the death of gossip king Simon Kelleher a year ago. Now theres is a new copycat in town who is not ready to forget him just yet. A school-wide game of Truth ore Dare seems fun, right? But this game is lethal. Choosing the truth may reveal your darkest secrets, accepting the dare could be dangerous, even fatal. The teenagers of Bayview must work together once again to find the culprit, before it is too late ... The Sequel to "One of us is lying".


Mediennr Standort Zugang Status
101836801406 52 McMa 20.11.2020 verfügbar


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